Roasted Pine Nut


Welcome to the world of “A Pinch of Delight”!

Each month we will follow several trails: Sometimes we will travel around the World to try different tastes, visit extraordinary eateries or just stay home and enjoy local favorites! We will have a new toy each month in the kitchen and we will explore its limits with the eagerness to push more. We will follow what is in the season and try to convert even the humblest of all into a festive dish by itself. We will focus on entertaining ideas; pushing the boundaries of our creativity and perception further and further.

If the words and the pictures that are trapped here could just bring a smile on your face, a murmur in your lips or lead to a slight nod while you are reading, that means that I have accomplished what I was wishing for!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuna Tataki with Citrus Vinaigrette

Tataki, which means, pounded or "hit into pieces" in Japanese, is a manner of preparing fish or meat in Japanese cuisine: The meat or fish is seared very briefly over a hot flame or pan, briefly marinated in vinegar, sliced thinly and seasoned with ginger.

In this Tuna Tataki recipe, we will follow the procedures indicated by the nature of its name and create a dish, which will put your gathering among the most memorable ones.

You can enjoy this recipe as a delicate starter on your dinner table, alternatively as an appetizer on your buffet table or as on hors d'oeuvre on Belgian endives in a cocktail party.

This recipe yields 8-10 portions on a dinner table and can easily feed up to 15-20 people on a buffet table or in a cocktail party.

1 1/2 pound very fresh, sushi-grade tuna
2 tsp cracked black pepper, for coating the tuna
2 tsp paprika, for coating the tuna
1 Tbsp canola oil or peanut oil
1 tsp salt, for the tuna

Citrus Vinaigrette
1 small shallot, minced
1/2 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
1-2 springs of green onions, chopped
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar (without seasoning)
1/4 cup citrus juice

1 to 2 cups Julienne of vegetables (depending on your plating and garnishing)
1 – 2 Tbsp lightly toasted sesame seeds (regular and black)

For Searing
Either a blowtorch or a non-stick frying pan

Although you can use both Ahi Tuna and Albacore Tuna for this recipe, I would highly recommend you to use an Ocean Wise alternative.

Ahi Tuna, which is also known as Yellowfin Tuna, is a commercially important tuna with yellow fins, found in warm seas. It is often marketed as ahi, from its Hawaiian name. The color of its flesh is dark red and is widely used in raw fish dishes, especially sashimi.

On the other hand, Albacore Tuna has a lighter colour, almost as white. In Canada and the US it is the only tuna species that is marketed as "white meat tuna. Other species of tuna may be referred as "albacore in other parts of the world, so you need to pay more attention to the colour of the flesh outside North America.

While Albacore Tuna, which is caught by troll/pole fisheries, is the Best choice under Ocean Wise Program, there are more constraints for Ahi Tuna to be considered Ocean Wise: Only the ones, which are caught in US Atlantic by Poll/Troll fisheries, are the sustainable options.

Just by paying more attention to where the fish comes from and how its caught before you purchase one, would make a huge difference in the efforts for the sustainability of our oceans and sea life.
(If you want to learn more about Ocean Wise Program and the sustainability of our oceans and the small steps that can lead to big accomplishment, please visit )

Citrus juiceFor this specific recipe combine the juices of mandarin oranges, lime, lemon and grape fruit. You will realize immediately the depth this combination brings to your vinaigrette and to this tataki recipe.

Julienne of vegetables
These vegetables will construct the bed of you Tuna Tataki.

Try to combine vegetable with different colours in order to create a multi-color dish. Choose crunchy vegetables, as they will create a balance with the soft and buttery texture of the tuna. Start with carrots, cucumbers, and radishes and add few more like bell peppers, snow peas etc., if you prefer. Do not forget that they will only serve as edible garnishes, so try not to overcrowd your plate with vegetables.


1. In a small bowl, stir together the shallot, ginger, green onions, freshly ground black pepper, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and citrus juice. When ready to serve, whisk the dressing thoroughly to recombine the ingredients.

2. On a small plate stir together the cracked black pepper, paprika and oil.

3. This is the stage where you prepare your fish for the searing

a.If you are using a fresh tuna, cut 1/2-inch-deep notches with intervals of approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch along the length of the tuna with a sharp knife.
b.If you are using a frozen tuna, keep it in the freezer until this very last stage. Do not defrost the tuna, as it will be much easier for you to slice after the sear when it is still slightly frozen.

Rub the paprika mixture evenly on the tuna, pressing lightly to make sure that the seasoning adheres on all sides.

4. Now it is time to sear the tuna

a.If you are using a blowtorch placed the fish on a heatproof plate or baking dish. Light the flame and adjust it to obtain a pointed, glowing, red-yellow cone of heat in the center of the lavender blue flame. Hold it 2 to 3 inches above the surface of the food, moving it back and forth to ensure even coloring. Stop the procedure as soon as you get an even light sear on the flesh of the meat.
b.If you are using a non-stick frying pan, first you need to heat the pan over high heat. When it is hot, sear the tuna on all sides, 30 seconds to 1 minute per side.
c.This is the critical stage of the preparation as the degree of doneness is important: You just want to sear the tuna, give the surface a color while you still have juicy meat inside. Overcooking, or searing the tuna longer will lead to drier texture of the meat.
d.Remove the tuna from the pan and set aside.

5. With a sharp knife, slice the tuna along its length. If you already have the marks on the tuna, cut the meat through those notches. If you used a frozen fish, you will realize that even after the blowtorch your fish is still frozen, but tender to the touch. At this stage cut with intervals of approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch along the length of the tuna.

6. In a bowl, toss the greens with just enough of the vinaigrette to coat them lightly.

7. Put the vegetables on the center of your plate and place the tuna slices evenly and decoratively along the sides of the plate. Drizzly Citrus Vinaigrette on the tuna and sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds. Transfer the remaining vinaigrette in a small bowl and serve it as the dipping sauce to your tuna.


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