Roasted Pine Nut


Welcome to the world of “A Pinch of Delight”!

Each month we will follow several trails: Sometimes we will travel around the World to try different tastes, visit extraordinary eateries or just stay home and enjoy local favorites! We will have a new toy each month in the kitchen and we will explore its limits with the eagerness to push more. We will follow what is in the season and try to convert even the humblest of all into a festive dish by itself. We will focus on entertaining ideas; pushing the boundaries of our creativity and perception further and further.

If the words and the pictures that are trapped here could just bring a smile on your face, a murmur in your lips or lead to a slight nod while you are reading, that means that I have accomplished what I was wishing for!


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Have you noticed recently that the birds are singing in a different tone and flying in pairs? What about the trees? Don’t they seem to you as if they are eager to start their new cycle with the excitement of their very first journey? The plants are budding everywhere? Snow drops, daffodils, crocuses, ‘glory-of-the-snow’s and spring snowflakes…Not need to mention about the heathers.

The soil is just crying out loud that she is ready; ready for her next birth.

What’s more, our souls are wriggling with every tiny bit of sunshine and we feel completely mesmerized with the idea of the warmer weathers.  Spring is definitely on the way!

On March 20th the war between day and night will be once more in favor of the daylight. We will be leaving the winter behind and heading to the charm of sunshine, abundance of colors and blue skies.

I don’t know you, but these are definitely enough for me to celebrate the Spring Equinox. I believe I won’t be the only one who will be celebrating it either, though my version would be simpler.

Spring Equinox, scientifically naming Vernal Equinox has played an important role in the center of belief of early civilizations and it still plays significant roles in the successors of those civilizations: March 21st is celebrated as Nowruz in Persia and it is also a holiday celebrated in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Albania, and various countries of Central Asia. In the Indian state Orissa, the celestial vernal equinox is celebrated as the New Year around April 14. Higan, on the other hand is a Buddhist holiday exclusively celebrated in Japan during both the Spring and Autumnal Equinox. The date of Easter is also related with the Spring Equinox, being the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the equinox itself.

The more I dived into the significance of Spring Equinox in the history of humanity, the more details immerged from the pages of beliefs, cultures and myths, all pointing out to the same common ground: Spring is the season of rebirth and regeneration, the sign of “silver lining” and the color of excitement. 

Hence, that is why it deserves celebration.

It is a perfect time to plan yours! Invite friends and cook for them, either simple or sophisticated. Grab your favorite wine with a platter of your favorite cheeses and drop by your friends! Prepare a basket full of your favorite snacks and beverages; then just stroll down on one of the beaches with your significant other. Make an afternoon tea plan with your friends, meet at your favorite coffee shop, take a table outside and feel the color of the spring.

Simple and yet sophisticated! Cheers to Spring Equinox.


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