Roasted Pine Nut


Welcome to the world of “A Pinch of Delight”!

Each month we will follow several trails: Sometimes we will travel around the World to try different tastes, visit extraordinary eateries or just stay home and enjoy local favorites! We will have a new toy each month in the kitchen and we will explore its limits with the eagerness to push more. We will follow what is in the season and try to convert even the humblest of all into a festive dish by itself. We will focus on entertaining ideas; pushing the boundaries of our creativity and perception further and further.

If the words and the pictures that are trapped here could just bring a smile on your face, a murmur in your lips or lead to a slight nod while you are reading, that means that I have accomplished what I was wishing for!


Saturday, February 18, 2012


“A Pinch of Delight” is the story of a journey rather than the destination!

When I started cooking many years ago, I was not thinking at all about the end of the journey that I was in. The destination was predetermined already and had nothing to do with cooking. No matter what I did in order to earn my living, at the end of the day kitchen was my sanctuary and fire, even though it was just flames coming out of a gas lit stove top, was the altar of a prehistoric god that I was hypnotically attached. 

Eventually cooking evolved into further cooking, a lot of reading, continuous searching, and experimental writing! At this very stage, it is really hard to determine which leads to what! Do I cook to write on food or search new horizons to cook more?!

This is how “A Pinch of Delight’” is born! It is the result of the urge of living one step further in food: Not only cooking, sharing, reading, talking but also writing about food…

This journey is still on.

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